When I think of May Day I think either of Maypoles, Morris Dancing and the Jack in the Green or the old Soviet military processions in Red Square.

Of course the origins of May Day stretch back into the mists
of time. In the late Middle Ages people in England started to dance around a
Maypole (a pole with no ribbons) as a celebration of Spring and to encourage fertility
in the soil and people. This was banned by the Puritans but came back with the
Restoration in 1660 and has remained with ever since – the Victorians added the
But by the seventeenth century England was on the long march to
modernity and urban living and London was well on the way to being the first
great modern city in the world so May Day in London had nothing to do with May
Poles or flowers.
May Day was one of a number of days of the year; Shrove
Tuesday, Ascension Day, Midsummer and St Bartholomew’s Day; when disorder
reigned. Between 1603 and 1642 Shrove
Tuesday riots involved apprentice boys attacking brothels, bawdy houses and
playhouses to reduce temptation during Lent! In the same period there were
eight May Day riots. The attacks on bawdy houses seem to peter out after the Restoration
and the nature of May Day and other celebration days changes again.
In the late seventeenth century there is evidence of what
are called ‘ridings’ in London and other towns. In a ‘riding’ those who are
viewed to have transgressed the sexual morality of the day were harangued in
the street by the mod beating their pots and pans and shouting at the tops of
their voices in what was called ‘rough music.’ In June 1664 a woman appeared
before a magistrate in Middlesex accused of following a woman down the street shouting,
‘whore, whore’ and clapping her hands. She was joined by others and soon there
was a near riot. Those deemed to have offended their community were spat on,
had dirt and stones thrown at them as well as the contents of chamber pots. In
London haranguing husbands who had beaten or cheated on their wives was particularly
popular as was terrorising brothel keepers and the mothers of illegitimate
Historian Charles Pythian-Adams has argued that during the
eighteenth century May Day celebrations in London were transformed becoming
socially segregated with the rich withdrawing from popular or plebeian activities,
but this notion leaves out the growing urban middle class and the effects of growing
religious non-conformity. As the eighteenth century progressed so did social
separation (both class and gender) but it was not exclusively the elites
separating themselves from the poor, the middle class were able to buy their way
into urban elite culture, they may not have had a box at the theatre but they
could have a seat in the stalls; and as for the poor they separated into those
who chose the strictures of religious non-conformity (no pagan rituals) over
the perceived laxity of the established church(pagan rituals accepted). This
new urban culture was not conducive to what we think of as May Day traditions
and its celebration or marking lapsed until it was re-invented and sanitised by
the Victorians who gave us children holding ribbons and dancing round the May
Pole in the Board School yard.
Source: The Eighteenth-Century Town: A Reader in English
Urban History 1688-1820, By Peter Borsay, Routledge 2013
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